
Wednesday, 3 December 2014


yes... it's gonna be a lazy all-month-in-one-post again. i have to admit i underestimated the pre-christmas month and didn't find any time to update the blog...

happy movember everyone!

the amazing indian summer lasted for quite a bit into november and we enjoyed many nice walks in the sunshine and very unlike temperatures for swiss november.

also we finally went back to the zoo and hoped to see the penguin walk. unfortunately we missed it but pea didn't mind that the ones we've found were only made of plastic.

eventually the weather got colder and we had an excuse to wear all our nice warm clothes...

i always wanted to learn calligraphy and was very lucky to attend a course here in zurich! although i still need a lot of practice i was able to use what i've learned to decorate our chalkboard for a brunch  (and i was really happy how my french toast bites turned out!) and a raclette evening we had with some friends.

i got invited by one of my best friends to spend a wellness weekend in austria! we had a fabulous time and got pampered every day. of course i missed my boys but they had a nice time without mami and sent me pictures from everything they did. as the christmas lights got lit on the main shopping street in zurich they went to see it and sent me this (note the socks instead of gloves on peas hands...).

as the roof or our house got renovated we had a mobile crane on our street for a few days. pea was very excited and spent any minute he could sitting on the windowsill...

and now on to the last month of the year...!

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