
Monday 26 May 2014

fairy tales, magic and a chamber orchestra

i love fairy tales... and bed time stories of any kind.

so i was very excited when i saw that there was an exhibition in our national museum called "fairy tales, magic and trudi gerster". trudi gerster used to be switzerland's fairy tale teller nr 1 and i grew up with her telling stories.

little thought did i put into the fact that fairy tales usually are quite weird and often adult horror stories in disguise... 

luckily pea did not pay a lot of attention and the only thing he really liked was listening to his gotti telling stories and lying on the "flying" carpet having a drink! the exhibition was done very nicely with lots of audio stations, film protections and even a magic forest. still i think pea was just a bit too young for it and we might postpone further visits to the museum for a few years...

i got a flyer form the local chamber orchestra with dates for their so called "dummy-concerts". the idea is that the chamber orchestra will play and parents with their babies up to 1 year old can linger on yoga mats and pillows and listen to the symphonious compositions.

so we went there all excited and ready for a calming hour of classical music... well, pea looked at the 4 musicians and listened very concentrated for about a minute. then he was bored. and started to shout. and to climb up the stairs. and to throw his dummy...

it was ok, as he wasn't the only one in the audience acting like this. and somehow it was quite nice to just be with a bunch of same aged and their parents as it was a really relaxed atmosphere in that concert hall since no one really seemed to care!

bottom line: classical concerts will be postponed too.

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