
Monday, 31 March 2014

papi's 40th birthday

it was chris's birthday weekend and i was very excited about it! after all it was his 40th birthday. as he was on a business trip to new york just before i had some time to bake a cake and wrap his present without him seeing any of it...

i've organized two giant balloons to decorate the table in the restaurant. they looked great, but i had to get them across town in the bus and tram...

we had dinner with our friends at frau gerolds garten which is a place we really like. the french theme they have at the moment was perfect as we love moules et frites (not to mention the wine)!

time flew and at midnight chris got his sparkling surprise birthday cake and loads of very generous presents!

 (other than that we didn't manage to take pictures...) 

after we had a lie in (!!!) we went to collect pea who had a lovely day and night at nani and nonno's house. then we went on a long (ok maybe a bit too long as i underestimated the distance...) birthday walk in the sunshine.

when we got home i made a birthday melanzane alla parmigiana and we enjoyed the rest of chris's birthday at home


happy 40th birthday my love. thank you for being who you are - my heart and soul and the best papi to pea! we love you loads and are two happy bunnies to have you!!!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

up to date!

i can't believe how quick this was done! but the blog is up to date and now i can start to actually blog about the latest news from pea's journey!

i also documented my pregnancy with some pictures of my belly progress...


after a lot of training pea crawled for the first time with 7 months 2 weeks and 4 days! chris was just about to leave for a business trip to the us but luckily he saw it too! we are very excited but also know that this will be the start of pea all over the show...!

this is not the actual moment as we were too excited to take a picture...

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

visit from granma & grampa

we were very excited for granma and grampa to visit! although we were in england in january, it felt like a very long time since they've seen pea. we spent the weekend with lots of cuddles and smiles! pea was very happy to have his grandparents here and they were happy to see him too.

of course we try every time they're here to take them to nice restaurants. this time we went for lunch to ojo de agua which was delicious!

yoga baby

sometimes i just look at pea and am amazed how much he looks like a big boy already... and then he does something funny like striking (something like) a yoga pose and i just have to laugh out loud!

Monday, 24 March 2014

first fever :(

with 7 months and 1 day pea had a fever for the first time. i know we are very lucky he didn't get any earlier but still i thought it's horrible. we went to the dr and she told us that is was an ear infection. luckily the medicine worked very quickly and it was gone soon.

vinegar socks baby

first attempts to crawl

with 6 months 2 weeks and 2 days i took this little video...

since then he practises every day but mostly pushes himself backwards... let's see how long it will take until he actually crawls

soaking up the sun

we had some - much needed - great weather at the end of february! luckily the sun was out on the weekend as well and we could take pea on a nice family walk.

winter vacation

as chris went for a boys-skiing-week with his brother and his nephew, i decided to take pea for a week in the mountains with my mum.

everything with ears...

cozy and wrapped up

little polar bear pea

thank you for a wonderful week nani!

semi birthday

happy 6 months my angel 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

6 months health check

and yet another health check... fortunately he only had to have one shot this time and he was doing very well!

pea weighed 8180 gr and was 70 cm tall


when pea was 5 month and 1 week old his first teeth appeared!

these were both taken about 2 weeks later 
but it was the first time i could get a picture of them

first new year's eve

for new year's eve we had some friends over. surprisingly i resisted to put pea in a special outfit... :)

although we're not exactly quiet especially when guests are here and even more so on new year's eve, pea went to bed by 8 and slept through the whole night until 8.30 the next morning (thank you...!).

bloody mary bar (i admit the idea is stolen... but i love it!)

i had to have the selfie station...

first pea selfie

Saturday, 22 March 2014

first christmas

to make our first christmas as a family of three even more special we rented an apartment in the mountains for a week. luckily we found something where nani & nonno spend most of their winters. we were even luckier as auntie dani decided to spend christmas with all of us!

even götti & uncle jonathan and michael came to visit us for one day which  was a lot of fun (not to mention the bags of presents they brought...)!

although we didn't celebrate at home we put up a christmas tree. 
pea couldn't have cared less though...

last chance to let santa know

pea got to be a little reindeer on christmas eve

on christmas morning pea got to open more presents in bed before papi dressed him for a very special task...


of course we also had christmas crackers (and spaghetti bolognese for our christmas dinner, but that's another story...)

pea up high in the mountains

we really enjoyed our christmas vacation and could have stayed much longer!