
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

mami & papimoon

my birthday present from chris this year was A TRIP TO NEW YORK!!! i was really looking forward as i love the big apple and also it was the first time we had more than one night couple-only-time.

but when the day came and we left pea at my parents house i wasn't so sure about the whole thing anymore...

although we missed pea we really enjoyed 4 days in new york. of course we asked for pictures and videos and sent messages to pea during our stay... but knowing he was in the best hands made it easy for us to relax and not to worry. thank you nani and nonno <3

i'm really glad we did it but we'll probably stay somewhere a bit closer next time. :)

Thursday, 11 September 2014

duck race

since 2012 the swiss cancer league organizes the duck race in zurich. the proceeds from all the sold ducks go to cancer research. we purchased our duck a few weeks ago and were really looking forward to the race. all ducks are thrown in the river at once and and the ducks who are picked further down will win a little price.

unfortunately we couldn't attend the official duck race as i was lying in bed with a migraine...

so a week later we decided to go down to the river and still release our duck into the wild! pea didn't really understand what it was all about but seemed to have fun nevertheless.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

first proper injury

and after 1 year 4 weeks and 1 day the scar free days were over...

i went to yoga and chris took pea to the bike shop. he fell and hit a shelf and his skin just split. we took him to the hospital where they glued it.

we know it wont be the last visit to the hospital leave alone the last scar, but it was probably the worst as it was the first one.

for the next 5 days he will be sporting colorful plasters and is not allowed to have his evening bath. after that we will hopefully go back to the normal procedures.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

one year photo shooting

shortly before his first birthday we went back to ingrid who already took our pregnancy and newborn photos.

it turned out much more difficult with a one year old and the shooting was over rather quickly as pea just couldn't bother to sit still anymore.

nevertheless we got some super photos and i keep looking at them smiling...