
Monday, 25 August 2014

summer where are you? and a high jumping yoda...

it's been a while...

we spent the last few days mainly with dressing really warm to go outside waiting for the good weather... it seems like summer is over although it's still august. 

the few days of hot weather we enjoyed outside and preferably in a paddling pool, umbrella pole dancing and playing with the ball!

there was quite a lot going on in town as the european athletics championships were held in zurich. there was a fan zone with lots of activities including the high jump photo shooting... needless to say that we queued for an hour to have a picture taken! we only got two shots so i couldn't take my usual 200 pics until i find a good one... but i guess you get the idea and pea for sure had his moment of fame as everyone watching was cheering when it was his turn.

we were invited to a movie themed birthday party. i was very excited about the chance to dress up pea as it has been a while... very cute is he think i!

Monday, 11 August 2014

12 months health check

today we went to the 12 months health check at our pediatrician. she was impressed with peas walking skills and also by how he handled all the tests (like putting raisins back in a container instead of eating them all...).

he also got 3 shots but was a very brave little pea.

he weighed 10.54 kg and is 78 cm.

as he wont lie on the bed in the treatment room anymore i took a picture in the waiting room instead...

Saturday, 9 August 2014

first birthday!

we had peas uncle dave and cousin jake over for a few days and the plan was that his auntie lorraine will visit for peas birthday too. but when they came back from the airport also granma and grampa flew over from the uk for a surprise birthday visit!!!

it was a really nice surprise but unfortunately i had to prepare everything for the evening and didn't have a lot of time... but the main thing was that they could spend peas birthday with him which was lovely!

first thing i did in the morning was inflating 50 balloons... i wanted to fill his cot with balloons to take a proper birthday picture. it took me more than one attempt but in the end i was really happy with the result!

in the evening also nani and nonno, auntie dani, gotti and götti & jonathan came to celebrate peas first birthday.

our present for pea was a yearly pass for the zoo in zurich. so i thought it's appropriate to have a lot of animals around. spray painted in gold of course... :)

i was thinking about peas cake for quite a while. i wanted him to have a proper cake with frosting he can eat on his first birthday. but i didn't find a recipe i liked as i didn't want him to have a sugar/dairy bomb after a year not having either... so i decided to go with a brioche. i agree that this isn't the most exciting thing to hold a first birthday candle but it seemed right for me and pea liked it nevertheless (he didn't know about our lemon cake and chocolate muffins though...).

i made a collage on the wall with all the pictures i have posted on instagram from peas first year. i thought it looked great and really really loved it!

 i also made two lanterns which i think turned out really cool!

it was a really nice day and we've enjoyed it a lot. although pea didn't realize what it was all about he loved having everyone around and of course all the lovely presents he got.

Friday, 8 August 2014

happy birthday!!!

happy birthday my angel!

nothing has ever scared me more and nothing has ever made me more proud than becoming your mami.

love you always. x

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

erste august!

the 1st of august is swiss national day which meant chris got a day off and we decided to spend it in appenzell which is a beautiful part of switzerland.

although the route i chose for our walk turned out to be way steeper than expected we made it to the restaurant for a proper swiss lunch. of course pea felt the need to entertain all the people on the terrace and went on the table to dance at the sun umbrella pole... the way back was a lot easier so we could chat along and enjoy the nice views.

and of course we had a traditional lampion for pea although he was already in bed when it was dark enough to light it. next year he will be able to stay up and see all the pretty fireworks!