
Thursday, 31 July 2014

we have a winner for the freshly picked giveaway!!!

so happy to announce the winner of the freshly picked giveaway!

please contact me (e-mail address in blogger profile) for all further information.

thank you to everyone else who entered and hopefully there will be a next time!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


a week ago pea took his first three steps. we were very surprised as he did it very nonchalantly and as if it wasn't a big deal at all. the next day chris had to go to the us for 4 days and in this time pea didn't really improve his walking but stood up most of the time and did the odd one or two steps. 

until sunday when chris was back and we were over at my parents house for dinner. and then he suddenly walked off! we were all cheering and clapping and i think he didn't even realize what the fuss is about. he walked some more that evening and is since then improving it day by day!

milestone: walking at 11 months 2 weeks and 5 days

the pics are all a bit wonky as i had to cut them from videos i took. 
better ones will hopefully follow soon!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

a lovely morning

this morning auntie corina came to visit with yara and lele. we spent a few hours having breakfast and chatting along. pea really enjoyed to play with lele as he is his look-at-my-so-much-older-friend-kind-of-cousin. :) lele was really cute with him although sometimes he remembers pea is only a baby and he is just too cool for that kind of playing.

after our long brekkie we went on a walk through town and headed to one of the prettiest store(s) in zurich. the tiger-fink familyshop is a cheer- and colourful store with everything you might need or want for your kids. also there is a clothes store and atelier, a furniture shop and a cozy café. 

of course it is like paradise for pea. he is just fascinated by all the toys, colours and sounds. and today he fell in love... with a mermaid... 

luckily it is his birthday soon and even more lucky to have such a generous auntie who couldn't say no to peas shining eyes... THANK YOU! we love you! x 

Monday, 21 July 2014

freshly picked moccasins review & giveaway!

i finally found some time to write a post about possibly the cutest shoes pea will ever wear...! 

even before i had pea i fell in love with the hand made moccasins from freshly picked i spotted on pictures all over other blogs, instagram and pinterest. i knew when pea is born this would be one of my first purchases. luckily freshly picked asked for collaborations and of course i was all in!!!

at first i was a bit overwhelmed by all the colours to choose from but finally decided on the platinum ones (chris is not too sure about the colour though...). to determine the size we used the printable sizing chart (how clever is that?!). to make sure pea will be able to wear them when walking, we chose a slightly bigger size.

and then we waited for the parcel to arrive... i was so excited and had to put them on peas feet right away!

the first thing i noticed was how easy they were to get on his feet. since he bends his toes whenever i try to put some shoes on it is a real pain with many others. but these moccasins are elastic at the opening and super soft which is perfect. still they stay on his feet which is probably the biggest plus. 

the soft yet durable leather is very comfortable on his skin and the soft sole allows him to still feel the ground under his feet. they do not disturb him at all whether he is crawling or walking (still with the support of us that is).

i can't wait until his footprint will actually show on the bottom as i think this will be such a nice keepsake!

and of course: they look super super super cute!!!

the newest addition to the freshly picked family are the carryall bags which might be on my christmas list... (santa take note)


i'm thrilled to announce that freshly picked will send a pair of their moccs to one of my lucky readers!

how to enter:
  • fall in love with freshly picked moccasins
  • leave a comment to this blogpost with your chosen colour (you can choose any colour as long as in stock) and size (size 1-10) PLEASE NOTE THAT 3RD PARTY COOKIES MUST BE ENABLED ON YOUR COMPUTER TO LEAVE A COMMENT!!!
  • wait and hope to get picked

please note that you are not allowed to enter if you have won any other giveaway including a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins within the last 60 days. if you live outside the usa you will have to cover the shipping costs of your moccasins. this giveaway will run through the 31st of July 2014. the winner will be randomly picked and announced here shortly after.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

why do amazing holidays have to end...?

i managed to pack all our stuff in the end and we could finally leave!

we had an amazing week in ibiza and made so many new memories to cherish.

as two very close friends of us celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary we were a big group traveling together. everyone loved pea and he loved being cuddled by so many people. we also got some pure family time which was really nice. all in all a perfect vacation which was over way too soon!

luckily chris had another week off at home which meant we could enjoy the nice weather here together. still we miss the island and are looking forward to going back. <3

Saturday, 5 July 2014

packing: a nightmare before vacation...!

i hate packing. i always have. i am a last minute packer and pre pea i've just filled the biggest suitcase i could find with everything i thought i might want to wear on vacation. i got very close to or exceeded the weight limitation of my luggage but it worked for me.

not anymore... since we also have to bring stuff (and i mean LOADS of stuff) for pea, my way of packing had to change drastically.

so this is what i do now: i pack ready outfits for each day! apparently other people think that's the normal way of packing but for me it is a nightmare!!! how am i supposed to know what i want to wear next wednesday for dinner?! but i have no choice. that's how it has to be done. so i started this morning with putting down my outfits on the bed. after several hours i have monday day time and evening, tuesday day time, wednesday day time and evening, thursday whole day (this is the day we attend a wedding so it was actually an easy one), friday evening, saturday nothing yet and sunday the travel home outfit...

at about 4 o' clock i decided to rather start with peas stuff as he would be in bed by 8 and i couldn't access his room anymore. if you think 4 hours is more than enough to pack: you don't know me... after staring at his clothes for an amount of time i had a great idea! how about taking pictures of all his outfits so to not mixing the wrong clothes and not having matching stuff in the end (yes, i'm serious.). so this is what i did.

on top of this i have 4 extra t-shirts, 4 extra onesies and 2 pyjamas (plus all the other stuff like swimming stuff, muslins, sleeping bag, dummies, jelly shoes, sun screen, sun hats, milk, dummies, nappies, etc...) ok, it might be weird but at least it helps me not to mess up packing completely. also it prevents me from taking 7 suitcases for a weeks vacation.

so this is what i do before i go back to my stuff:

Thursday, 3 July 2014

granma and grampa's visit, a swing and a baby elephant

there was a lot going on lately and i didn't really find the time to write on the blog. but right now there is a sacred moment where pea is asleep and there is not much else to do other than sipping an iced coffee...

as the weather is mostly summery here i took pea to the playground for the first time. he either was too young so far or it was too cold or rainy. i thought i'll just try him on the swings and he LOVED it!!! he also liked to get dirty in the sand but after i almost started a fight with a 5 year old about a little spade i decided we had enough for the day...

peas grandparents from the uk were here for a week and we really enjoyed having them around. it was so nice to see how pea recognized them right away and was very happy to spend time with them. apart from cuddling a lot and chasing granma and grampa around we went to the zoo. a few weeks ago a baby elephant was born in zurich zoo so of course we went to the brand new elephant park to see omysha (that's the baby elephants name). pea was zero interested in the elephants so we took him to the petting zoo. and what did he love most...? the chicken...

a few days later we went up the üetliberg which is a hill next to zurich with the best view of the city. we were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed a nice walk and lunch. 

he obviously didn't enjoy the view as much...
unfortunately we had to bring granma and grampa to the airport in the evening which is always quite a sad event... hopefully we will see them very soon again!